A challenge for Western Balkans’ Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to achieve their integration with students, Academia, learning organizations, social agencies, industry, and government to discuss -and demand- solutions to reach the modernization of Higher Education Institutions (HEI).
University Pedagogy, mostly enhanced through the operation of Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTL), is a main pillar for the implementation of the European Higher Education Area.
The aim of the MAGNET project is to establish a consortium of West Balkan Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) to share concerns on University Pedagogy and establish a network that will address the challenges of the shift towards an active, student-centered and interactive teaching and learning culture in the West Balkans HEIs.
MAGNET aims to develop a network for University Pedagogy in the West Balkans States, through know-how transfer from countries that have CTLs under operation to all partner countries. Main objectives of MAGNET include the know-how transfer, the foundation of CTLs within each HEI, the production of educational material for seminars for academic staff and the creation of a sustainable network -the BALKANETUP (Balkan Network for University Pedagogy).
Its results can be summarized in the: